Member Jack Bird Honored

Jack Bird Honored for 50 Years of Service

Walnut Street Fire Company No. 4 honored member Jack Bird for 50 years of service at the July 21 business meeting.

Jack has responded to 4,489 alarms during his tenure with the Fours in addition to the more than 500 to which he responded during his 12 years as Assistant City Fire Chief and at which the Fours were not due to respond.

Awards were presented on behalf of Mayor Welch by City Fire, Chief Bill DeVries, and City Operations Chief, Ken Washer. WSFC No. 4 Company President, Karl Eaglin, presented Jack with a plaque and an ornamental axe to be mounted on the wall with those of past 50-year members.

Deputy State Fire Marshall, Rob Johnson, and State EMS Manager, Jason Smith, presented Jack with a framed certificate from the Indiana Department of Homeland Security. Similar certificates were also presented to other recent 50-year members Don McKay, Bob Schoenstein and Dick Goebel.

A reception was held following the meeting.



McKay, Sr Honored

Don McKay, Sr. Honored for 50 Years of Service

The City of Madison and Walnut Street Fire Company 4 recently honored member Don McKay, Sr. for 50 years of service. Still active, although no longer as an interior firefighter, Don represents the fourth of five Schnabel/McKay generations to serve as members of the “Fours.” His great-grandfather, John Schnabel, was a charter member followed by grandfather William and two maternal uncles, Ned and Benjamin. Don’s son, Don McKay, Jr., who is also a battalion chief with the city, represents the fifth generation.

Mayor Damon Welch honored Don with a proclamation and Madison Fire Department Chief Steve Horton presented him with a plaque for years of service to the city that included the positions, at various times, of Deputy Fire Chief, City Safety Officer, Training Officer and Fire Investigator. WSFC 4 President Karl Eaglin presented Don with a desk clock and an ornamental axe that will be placed on the wall of the meeting room with axes of past honorees for his service to the company that included 13 years as captain and 5 years as lieutenant (neither consecutively), president, secretary-treasurer and trustee.

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Fire Department Training

New Fire Department Training Facilities

Announcement from Steve Horton, City Fire Chief

The two shipping containers purchased with FEMA DHS grant funds have arrived and are in place at the Habitat for Humanity facility (the former INDOT garage) on Lanier Drive.

A maze will be constructed in one and the other will be used for live burn training.

Thanks to Don McKay, Jr. and Bill Devries for their efforts in this matter.

Special thanks go to the following Habitat for Humanity personnel: Amy Ray, Executive Director and David Connolly, Restore Manager.

They are permitting us to use the southwest corner of their facility as a mini-training area until such time as this location will be used for the construction of housing. When it became apparent that there wasn’t sufficient room at the City Garage for the containers, I approached Mr. Connolly about locating them at 931 Lanier Dr. and he and Ms. Ray soon granted the required permission. The area is graveled and I will be receiving a key to the Green Road gate soon.

I am going to check into the possibility of having a fire hydrant installed at the location as there is a City water main on Green Road, and we will be purchasing what materials we can from Habitat for modification of the boxes, doors, access panels, etc.

Steve Horton

Shipping Containers for Firefighter Training

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