Tower 4 helps Madison Jr. High students celebrate last day of school.
Tower 4 helps Madison Jr. High students celebrate last day of school.
There was a working house fire at 505 and 507 Walnut Street last night, January 16, 2018. All occupants and their pets did make it out safely, according to Madison Fire Chief Bill DeVries.
Tower 4 firefighter Frank Taff and Battalion Chief Steve Manaugh retrieve a customer’s check that had blown onto the bank’s roof.
Walnut Street Fire Company No. 4 Engineer John Schoenstein, representing the firefighters of Madison and Jefferson County, carried the Indiana bicentennial torch on a portion of its journey through Madison. He rode with driver Frank Taff aboard a 100-year-old Ahrens Fox pumper that served Madison Fire Company No. 2 from 1916 to 1947. The torch will pass through all 92 Indiana counties.