Members Carry Bicentennial Torch

John and Frank Transport Torch Through Madison

Walnut Street Fire Company No. 4 Engineer John Schoenstein, representing the firefighters of Madison and Jefferson County, carried the Indiana bicentennial torch on a portion of its journey through Madison. He rode with driver Frank Taff aboard a 100-year-old Ahrens Fox pumper that served Madison Fire Company No. 2 from 1916 to 1947. The torch will pass through all 92 Indiana counties.



Member Jack Bird Honored

Jack Bird Honored for 50 Years of Service

Walnut Street Fire Company No. 4 honored member Jack Bird for 50 years of service at the July 21 business meeting.

Jack has responded to 4,489 alarms during his tenure with the Fours in addition to the more than 500 to which he responded during his 12 years as Assistant City Fire Chief and at which the Fours were not due to respond.

Awards were presented on behalf of Mayor Welch by City Fire, Chief Bill DeVries, and City Operations Chief, Ken Washer. WSFC No. 4 Company President, Karl Eaglin, presented Jack with a plaque and an ornamental axe to be mounted on the wall with those of past 50-year members.

Deputy State Fire Marshall, Rob Johnson, and State EMS Manager, Jason Smith, presented Jack with a framed certificate from the Indiana Department of Homeland Security. Similar certificates were also presented to other recent 50-year members Don McKay, Bob Schoenstein and Dick Goebel.

A reception was held following the meeting.



WSFC 4 Houses New Kawasaki Mule

New Rescue Unit for City Use

Walnut Street Fire Company No. 4 will house a city-owned fire utility vehicle, a Kawasaki Mule. It carries 50 gallons of Class A foam, two pressurized water extinguishers, two 20-pound dry chemical extinguishers, a Class K extinguisher and assorted tools. It can also carry a stokes basket for transporting patients.

The unit will primarily be used during Madison’s many festivals when access is limited for first line fire apparatus, and it can be used in rough terrain.

Fire Rescue Unit
New Fire Rescue Unit